Our world is plagued by division, disarray, we are divided. Our wish might be utopia, but in essence it’s simple, unity, our hearts laid bare. Hailing from the depths of Germany and the Netherlands, Statefall can resonate with a diverse range of listeners, transcending genres from pop to metalcore. With each note and every lyric, Statefall strikes a chord deep within the hearts of their listeners. Their songs carry a powerful message, representing the collective frustration and yearning for a better world. Statefall understands that the restructure of the world as they know it is long overdue. They believe in the inherent unity of humanity and seek to inspire others to join them in their movement. As their music continues to touch the lives of many, Statefall stands as a beacon of hope, reminding us that through the power of shared emotions, we can find unity and strength. Their songs carry the collective heartbeats of humanity, bridging the gaps that divide us and reminding us that we are not alone in our journey.